It's nice to meet you!
Hi, I’m Meghan and I’m the creator of meghanmadesweets.
For those of you that I’ve never met, I’d love to tell you a little about myself and also how to obtain a bit more information to communicate your cake or cookie needs.
In 2001 I was newly married and I baked and frosted the first cake that I can remember. A yellow cake mix that I tried to cut into a star shape and frost in chocolate frosting. What a mess!
I started a career in the interior design field in 2002, practiced design for many years and gained the design principles that I can now put into my cakes and cookies today. While that chapter is not completely closed, I’ve now taken a sweeter route. Years ago I took all the Wilton classes that I could attend, practiced, and baked on repeat and of course like every other caker/cookier still do the same today.
Along with baking, I’m a mother to three sweet daughters, (10,7 & 7.) They are my taste testers and make up for the fact that my hardworking husband would rather have ice cream than eat anyone’s cake.
Feel free to check out the gallery page or Facebook photo albums to see some of my work.
On the home page, you will find links to forms below the photos; they will provide information about ordering my baked goods and/or a way for us to connect. Alternatively, please send me a private message or email and I can provide you with more information.
My home studio operates under the courts ruling of 2018, allowing home bakers to sell their home baked goods.
Please visit for more information.